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Empowering Women in the CRE Industry - What Every CRE Investor Should Know

 Posted on May 09, 2018 in Commercial Real Estate

Naperville commercial real estate attorneysAlthough there are more women in the workplace today, statistics indicate that only 9 percent of companies have women at the top. Some of the reasons seem obvious: family conflict and there are still fewer women who remain in the pipeline - but there are some other, more obscure issues at hand.

One news source, which interviewed some of the leading women in business, cited issues with how women are raised. Others say that the biggest issues related to the continued biases on gender. Whatever the case, and regardless of the reasons, there are companies who are choosing to set the example - and for good reason.

Understanding the Benefits of Diversity in the CRE Industry 

Diversity can greatly benefit a company - and not just because it provides them with a broader view of their consumer's needs. A small study found that women-founded businesses tend to grow faster than those founded by men. Moreover, 75 percent of the fastest growing companies (experiencing growth of 200 percent or more) were founded by women. When one also takes into account that only 14 percent of all start-up businesses were founded by women, the weight of that statistic becomes staggering.

Empowering Women in the CRE Industry

Although the barriers that women face in the CRE industry can be obscure, which sometimes makes it difficult to pinpoint any specific ways to empower them, there are some methods that companies can use to mitigate the issues, regardless. Offering flexible schedules and parental leave - not just to women, but also men - can improve the pool of qualified individuals who make it to the top. Employers may also want to ensure they are giving women the same consideration as men, rather than simply looking at them as “reliable” or “aggressive,” which some women perceive to be an issue when they attempt to climb the corporate rungs.

Women also tend to feel as though they are often passed up for an advancement because they do not always assert themselves with the same level of confidence as men. It does not mean they are less competitive, nor does it mean that they are not willing to fight for what they want. They may simply approach self-promotion and competition in a different way. Employers who are mindful of this may be less likely to overlook women when considering who is most deserving for that next promotion.

Contact Our Naperville Commercial Real Estate Lawyers

Diversity in your CRE business is just one of the many ways that you can grow your portfolio and improve your bottom line. The seasoned Naperville commercial real estate lawyers at Lindell & Tessitore, P.C. are yet another. Able to assist you with everything from performing your due diligence to aiding you in negotiating better contracts, we work hard to ensure you have the time to focus on what matters most: growing your business. Call 630-778-3818 and schedule your personalized consultation to learn more.





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